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Adeeb Al-Essi: National Partnership and sadaalhakika
The activist Adeeb Al-Issa said that restoring the southern state to full sovereignty begins with the southern-south consensus, and working on the principle of true national partnership and joint political action because national partnership and southern political consensus are the main key to restoring the state and building its national institutions, and they are the cornerstone of the southern road map.
Al-Essi reported that days before the events in Gaza and the escalation of the Houthi terrorist militia in the Red Sea, a political settlement was close to being achieved, between various local and regional parties.
He continued to say: Returning to the recent past, we all remember clear experiences in the issue of southern incompatibility, and we failed in several stages. The first stage was going to Yemeni unity without the southern political consensus. The second stage was during our peaceful struggle, where the struggling brother Muhammad Ali Ahmed went to dialogue under international supervision and he failed .
The activist Adeeb Al-Issi said: Today we are talking to the brothers in the Southern Transitional Council with all concern and national affiliation and we are telling them that going to a political settlement under international supervision without a southern political unity for the sake of the people and the gains they have achieved, will be disappointed..!!
He added: Therefore, I am directing my call to all parties and political forces, with all their affiliations and walks of life, to come to a serious agreement before going for any single political settlement and to agree on the principle of what the people of the South want in the next settlement to ensure the restoration of their rights and the fulfillment of their aspirations and hopes.
He pointed out that he has no disagreement over who rules us today..! But our disagreement today is over national partnership and securing the south for decades to come.
Emphasizing that he personally has no desire or ambition to obtain a leadership position or position, but rather his first and last concern is to restore the state and all its national institutions and achieve comprehensive development.
Al-Issi said: We, the generation of reconciliation and tolerance, adopted the southern political reconciliation project at the beginning of 2008, and we will continue with our project until our people see the light, feel sustainable security, live a dignified life, and regain all their legitimate rights... which can only be achieved under a true partnership based on the principle of Southern politician reconciliation